Privacy & Cookies Policy for

In a nutshell

  • Privacy matters and we take it seriously. This page explains our approach to privacy on our Website and how it affects you.
  • The photos you upload and the texts you write are not saved on our server.
  • Only if you share your photos on the social networks, your photos are saved temporarily on our server and then deleted.
  • We collect anonymous statistics about your visit, like which of our pages you viewed.

Website storage

The pictures/images/photos you upload and the texts you write are not saved on our server by default and they are only manipulated in the client-side, your browser! So we don't keep the photos and texts of your canvas creations.
If you use our gallery photos, then these photos are free to use for personnal or commercial use. The gallery photos are provided by the vibrant community of creatives, Pixabay.
But, if you want to share your creations on the internet (social network pages etc.) using the Share button, your canvas images are saved temporarily on our server and then deleted. So no share means nothing is stored on our server, not even temporarily.

Measuring our visitors

We measure visitors to our website using Google Analytics. This records what pages you view within our site, how you arrived at our site and some basic information about your computer. All of that information is anonymous – so we don’t know who you are; just that somebody visited our site.
The information we collect from analytics helps us understand what parts of our sites are doing well, how people arrive at our site and so on. Like most websites, we use this information to make our website better.

Cookies & Third-party Services

A cookie, also known as a web cookie, browser cookie, and HTTP cookie, is a piece of text stored by a user's web browser.
We use cookies to handle anonymously users' interaction with the Website and in this way maintain the quality of our core service.


Our Website take many precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. These precautions include: Use of SSL encryption for all data tranfered. Hardware stored in secured datacentres behind firewalls. Restrictions to what information can be accessed via any location.
The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use the latest web security standards to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Updates to this policy

We may update this privacy policy from time-to-time, particularly as technology changes. You can always check this page for the latest version.

This document was last updated on: September 9, 2021 Logo - Slogan